Buccas Four Vocal Quartet
Quartet Members
Please note our new website address is www.buccasfour.net
Buccas Four Quartet was founded in August 2001 with four members of the now disbanded Newlyn Male Choir. The original four are still together.
The name Buccas was chosen as it was a name given to people from Newlyn in years gone by, and Buccas Fair an annual event held by the choir. Buccas Four seemed to fit very well.
At competitions we have achieved many first places at Camborne Music Festival and the Cornwall Music Festival in Truro, gaining Distinction and Honours markings. Our concerts have taken us to such places as Concarneau in Brittany, Southern Ireland, and many counties in England and Wales. We have also appeared on National Television and Local and Jersey Radio. Most of our concerts are naturally in Cornwall but we are prepared to travel further for special events. We have a varied repertoire so as to please as large an audience as possible. We have raised many thousands of pounds for Churches, Organizations and Charities' We have also performed at many Weddings, funerals and private functions.